Hair Loss or Breakage in Highly Textured Hair

Hair with a lot of natural texture, wave and curl tends to be delicate and can break easily. Are you noticing thinning hair or large amounts of hair loss? You may want to chat with an expert. At Endless Creations Salon in Chandler, AZ we are highly trained in the physiology of hair and are concealing thinning hair by adjusting hair styles and giving advice on how to promote hair growth. 

How your hair grows is largely dictated by genetics; however, many women experience hair loss or thinning hair through the natural aging process or stress on the hair. Fragile hair is common in highly textured hair simply because it tends to be drier. Thinning hair is a common problem in women with highly textured or multi-textured hair, especially those who regularly use braids and weaves.

Why is my hair breaking?

Excessive stress on the hair from tight braids, aggressive combing or brushing, chemical treatments and hot tools may may contribute to hair breakage over time, causing the hair to look thin.  If you notice your hair is thinning, talk to your hair stylist to help determine if you are experiencing breakage. We can suggest a protective style and talk about hairstyles that will allow you to “take a break” from the typical causes of hair breakage.

Should I Stop Washing My Textured Hair Regularly?

Many women with highly textured or ethnic hair try to avoid washing their hair too much when it begins to thin.  But it’s unlikely that shampooing is the cause of your thinning hair or hair breakage.  If you notice hair in the drain after a shampoo, your hair was most likely already detached and the rinsing process is helping the hair shed.  Keep in mind that you’ll lose an average of 100 hairs a day due to hair’s natural cycle. It may look like a lot in the drain but still be within normal amounts. Focus on what you CAN control to reduce stress on the hair.

  • Take a break from chemical treatments and hot tools
  • Consider a sew-in weave, hair extensions, protective style as alternatives to your current style
  • Use the right products and treatments for your hair type to help restore the hair’s moisture and elasticity
  • Foster the ideal conditions for hair growth

Will My Textured Hair Grow Back?

When you stop the conditions that cause hair breakage, your hair can grow back. You can help the natural growth process along by taking supplements or by increasing your natural protein and zinc intake.  A well-balanced diet can have a incredibly positive effect on hair growth and hair loss. Reducing stress will have a positive impact on more than just your hair!  Try meditation, some easy stretching or basic yoga poses to start. Before adding any new supplements or making any radical changes to your normal diet, talk to your family doctor.

Talk to the Hair Texture Experts at Endless Creations Salon About Hair Loss and Thinning Hair

At our Endless Creations Salon in Chandler, AZ we can offer advice to help you with any hair issues you may be experiencing.  We can work with you to find a hairstyle that can help you to disguise your hair loss or thinning hair and we can share our knowledge of some great products that promote healthy hair growth. To book in please call us on 480-269-7542 or book your hair consultation online here.

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